🚀Updates 20/7/2024

(1.0.9) Android (1.0.8) iOS

New Features

[Added] Online Admission: Parents can now visit the Schola website and click on "Online Admission" for easy registration and enrollment.

[Added] RFID Reader: Enhanced security and attendance tracking with RFID technology.

[Added] Creating New Fees Notification: Automated notifications for newly created fees.

[Added] Fiuu Payment Merchant: Integration with Fiuu for seamless payment processing.

[Added] Smart Attendance Report: Detailed and intelligent attendance reporting.

[Added] Student Progress: Teachers can now log student progress and share updates with parents.

[Added] Attendance Remarks: Include remarks with attendance records.

[Added] Gallery User Tagging: Tag students in the gallery to capture and share learning moments.

[Added] Preview Invoice: Preview invoices before sending them out.


[Improvement] Payslip: Includes part-time payments, EPF, SOCSO, and other details.

[Improvement] Invoice Template: Improved templates for better clarity and usability.

[Improvement] Fees Discount: Enhanced management of fee discounts.

[Improvement] Auto Notification: Enhanced notifications for gallery additions, invoice creation, announcements, and attendance marking.

[Improvement] Description Link Handling: Better management of description links.

[Improvement] Various Bug Fixes: Numerous other improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall performance and user experience.

Last updated