
The School Management System (SMS) offers a user-friendly platform for teachers to efficiently manage lessons and topics, fostering an organized and structured learning environment. This documentation provides a brief overview of the key features related to lesson and topic creation through the Teacher Panel login.

1. Create Lesson (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can easily create and manage lessons tailored to specific class sections and subjects. The process involves selecting the desired class section and subject, providing a name and description for the lesson, and optionally attaching files to complement the learning materials. Once created, these lessons are visible to students within the corresponding class section and subject.

  • Class Section: Select the specific class group for streamlined lesson management.

  • Subject: Choose the relevant academic subject for targeted lesson planning.

  • Lesson Name: Provide a clear and concise title for the lesson content.

  • Lesson Description: Include a brief overview or summary of the lesson content.

  • Files: Attach supplementary files to enhance the learning materials.

2. Create Topic (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers have the flexibility to manage topics within lessons, allowing for a more detailed breakdown of content. Topics can be created by selecting the relevant class section, subject, and associated lesson. Teachers provide a name and description for the topic, with the option to attach files for additional context. Students can easily view and engage with these topics within their lessons.

  • Class Section: Choose the designated class group for effective organization.

  • Subject: Specify the relevant academic subject for focused instructional planning.

  • Lesson: Create a lesson by assigning a name and description for structured content delivery.

  • Topic Name: Provide a descriptive title for the specific topic within a lesson.

  • Topic Description: Include a brief overview or summary of the topic content for clarity.

  • Files: Attach supplementary files to enrich the learning experience within the lesson or topic.

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