Exam Management

Create Exam

Exams can be efficiently managed by administrators using this screen. Admins have the authority to edit, delete, and publish results for exams.

Exam Details:

  • Exam Name: Unique name for the exam.

  • Session Years: Years covered by the exam.

  • Classes: Classes participating in the exam.

  • Exam Description: Additional information about the exam.

Create Exam Timetable

Admins can establish the exam timetable through this screen. Although students can view the exam schedule in the app, the exams themselves will be conducted offline on the campus.

Exam Timetable Details:

  • Subject: Subject for the exam.

  • Total Marks: Maximum marks for the exam.

  • Passing Marks: Minimum marks to pass the exam.

  • Start Time: Beginning time of the exam.

  • End Time: Conclusion time of the exam.

  • Date: Date of the exam.

Exam Grade

Admins can define a grading system for exam percentages on this page, ensuring a consistent and standardized evaluation of exam results.

Grade Definitions:

  • Grade Ranges: Defined ranges based on percentage values (e.g., 0 to 35 = F, 36 to 50 = D, etc.).

Upload Exam Marks (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can input and upload exam marks for students using this feature, providing an efficient means of recording student performance.

  • Class Section: Designate the specific class group for streamlined exam management.

  • Exam: Conduct assessments and evaluations for students within the chosen class section.

  • Subject: Choose the relevant academic subject for targeted examination planning.

  • Marks: Record and manage student performance and evaluation scores for effective academic tracking.

Student Exam Result (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can access and manage individual student exam results in this section, allowing for detailed tracking and analysis of performance.

Manage Online Exam (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can effectively oversee online exams for various classes in this section. They can customize the exam by selecting the class section, subject, specifying the exam title, and setting a secret exam key for student access. Duration, starting and ending dates are also configurable. Marks are automatically calculated based on the included questions, streamlining assessment.

  • Class Section: Specify the designated class group for seamless exam organization.

  • Subject: Choose the relevant academic subject for targeted examination planning.

  • Title: Provide a distinctive title for the exam for clarity and identification.

  • Exam Key: Assign a unique key or code to the exam for secure access and administration.

  • Duration: Set the time limit for the exam to manage the assessment period efficiently.

  • Start Date: Specify the date when the exam is scheduled to begin.

  • End Date:Specify the date when the exam is scheduled to conclude.

Manage Questions (Teacher Panel Login)

This section enables teachers to proficiently handle questions for different classes and subjects. Two types of questions are supported: simple and equation-based. Teachers can include textual questions, options, correct answers, images, and notes for simple questions. Equation-based questions support an HTML editor for seamlessly integrating mathematical equations.

  • Class Section: Designate the specific class group for online exam management.

  • Subject: Choose the relevant academic subject for focused online examination planning.

  • Online Exam Title: Provide a distinctive title for the online exam for clarity and identification.

  • Question: Formulate the query or prompt for the online exam.

  • Options: Create multiple choice or alternative options associated with the exam question.

Terms & Conditions (Teacher Panel Login)

Teachers can personalize and add their own terms and conditions for exams using the provided text editor. Students are required to agree to these terms before attending exams through the application.

View Result

You can view attendance results directly from the app for easy access and management.

Last updated